Derrick Sproule

aka Denis the Menace or The Canadian Cowboy

Naturally gifted behind the wheel of anything that runs, Derrick was found driving at the ripe old age of 5.  He happened to be in a tractor digging a very large hole for no apparent reason, but needless to say, that’s when his driving career started.  Even before this, there is a story that goes something like the three oldest kids being in the old Oldsmobile waiting for the parents to get in, and Derrick putting it in reverse and rolling down the driveway.  Hell, baby Lana may even have been tossed out the window onto the lawn for Vanessa and Derrick’s fear that she would “get hurt”… Since childhood, he has been well known to be a remarkable operator of anything mechanical. Also well known for having no fear, this is a unique quality which may have also aided in a few disasters… re: his many crashes as a child resulting in all sorts of hospital visits and lectures from Lloydy. Years on the back of motorcycle crafted him into a talented racer and he continues to advance his craft behind the wheel trying to see how hard he can push the latest creations of Racer Engineering. 

Derrick is currently being groomed into the boss of us all and refining his art of farming. When he is not in a race vehicle trying to terrify his copilot, Derrick enjoys; farming, running from figures of authority, falconing and lumberjack things.